Hayashi, E. S., & Baranauskas, M. C. (2013). Affectability in educational technologies: A socio-technical perspective for design. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 57–68.


1.     A brief summary of the article


Hayashi and Baranauskas (2013) are three forms of learning. These forms are formal, informal, and non-formal learning. Formal education is when teaching is happening in schools. Informal learning is the opposite of formal learning that happens outside of a formal institution or school. Non-formal learning is the same as informal learning, but it has a formal learning quality. The paper focuses on how digital artifacts help students in non-formal studies. Using digital artifacts or technological advancements helps develop a better social system that better helps students understand the subject matter.

The article starts with the definition of the social-technical plan of organizational development. In this regard, the socio-technical perspective refers to the interaction between human behavior and advanced technological advancements. Moreover, socio-technical is described to enhance students' understanding by creating awareness of values, emotions, and interests.  The paper is organized so that it answers the question of how technological advancements are helping users. In general, the article describes the socio-technical the system as the means to collect common objectives using artifacts.

According to Hayashi and Baranauskas (2013), the societal design's compounding layers reflect reality and consist of different layers that enhance human and technology interaction. First, the interaction shall happen between the students in a formal or non-formal way. Students can get an understanding of a subject in the classroom or outside the school. The artifacts that are used outside the school can also serve a community of targeted users. Hence, it is noted in the article that the user's cognitive understanding is essential to grasp the ideas of the contents of the design. In this case, the technological model's design shall consider formal, informal, and non-formal forms of learning. Hence, Hayashi and Baranauskas (2013) proposed using cognitive models that consider social and cultural events' daily interactions.   Hayashi and Baranauskas (2013,p.59), citing the work of Hall(1959), described culture as "the way of life of a people, the sum of their learned behavior patterns, attitudes and material things." Hence, the culture can be conventionally divided into formal, informal, and non-formal models while designing a learning platform. However, while implementing XO laptops in primary schools, the study uses a design pattern that involves learning, using, and interpreting affective response, design, and redesign evaluation.


The results of the study can be summarized into four major points. First, web resources transform the students' learning capabilities with the use of advanced technological facilities like the internet. Second, the interdisciplinary activities performed and created for use help teachers and students attain the required knowledge. Third, a support system is helpful in facilitating the learning-teaching process. A good example is that more than 500 volunteer students help the system by reducing the study's cost as the school has no resources to hire researchers. Fourth, XO laptops affect the student's activity in both formal as well as informal forms. Hayashi and Baranauskas (2013) concluded that educational design's hybrid approach considers practice supported by technology.


2.     Evaluation


The paper thoroughly addressed the affectability of educational technology. The study uses a social-technical framework to come up with advanced technologies. In this regard, XO laptops were used in the learning process with in 500  primary school students Brazil. The introduction of the article gives an overview of the importance of studying the socio-technical framework. Then, it addresses the general audience that encompasses educators, graduate students, and academicians. The literature review section addresses how to use the socio-technical framework, and data is collected from 500 students that are at the primary level. Hence, the analysis was done in informal, formal, and technical stages. The results in students' and teachers' relation to homework assignments show a positive result.


Moreover, the use of the internet and web browser enhances the learning platform's interdisciplinary activities that make it a hybrid ( formal and informal). Furthermore, the paper addresses socio-technical perspectives and plans for execution. However, the article fails to cover essential concepts on how students can reach teachers. It means the interaction between the students and teachers is not reflected well. Moreover, it lacks how to enhance the

The research paper is a thorough study of affectability in educational technologies by using a socio-technical framework to implement new advanced technology, e.g., the XO laptops in the hybrid (formal and informal) learning process in Brazil. Also, it is not clear how much the cost of implementation is. Moreover, the study also pointed out the study's challenges, among the difficulties of storage of XO laptops, limited access to parents and teachers and theft.





Hayashi, E. S., & Baranauskas, M. C. (2013). Affectability in educational technologies: A socio-technical perspective for design. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 57–68.




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