
Showing posts from January, 2021

Automated Weapons' Detection System with the helP of AI

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Futuring and Innovation-Introduction, Scope and Purpose of a Socio technical plan

  Introduction  A socio-technical plan is an organizational development that deals with the interaction between humans and technology in workplaces (Long, 2013).  Hence, the socio-technical system's goal is to optimize the organization's social and technical network. Moreover, the socio-technical plan has rational, semi-rational, and non-rational actors that affect the organization. Moreover, the socio-technical program helps produce goods and services for customers as it consists of tools, techniques, and knowledge. However, managing workgroups, interactions, and complex systems are easy to operate and rely on the socio-technical plan to consider the competitive organization and environmental factors. Thus, the optimization of correlation between the organization and its stakeholders is essential for its success.  Among the fundamental principles of the socio-technical systems in attaining the organization's goals, adapting to the environment, and integrating the pe...

Socio Technical Plan

  Perplexing is when a business faces significant changes in its environment and fails to respond effectively (Donald, 1999) . Companies may fail when they are less competitive in terms of their products, technologies, and strategies. (Donald, 1999) argued that reasons for failure vary from company to company, but managerial stubbornness to sheer incompetence is notable at times. However, the reasons can be: First, companies can fail when their strategic frames fail, making managers fail to view their businesses. Processes are the second reason for failure where the way things are done is wrong. Third, relationships. A company's ties to customers, suppliers, distributors, and shareholders determine the success or failure—fourth, values. Values are defined by a set of shared beliefs that the company uses to determine the corporate culture. However, according to Eric (2013) , a company's strategic plans fail due to failure to prepare a plan that addresses discipline, foresight...

Serendipity, Error, and Exaptation

  Examples of discovery by serendipity: OpenOrganization (2021) categorizes innovation from three different angles. First, it can be a discovery that is being sought. The second category is where the discovery was initially being sought but found an unexpected way. The third category is whose use is different from what was initially sought. The first and second innovations can be taken as discoveries by serendipity.   A famous example of the third category is Penicillin.  Alexander Fleming(1881-1995) discovered Penicillin while studying Petri Dishes. In General,  Serendipity is a chance of innovating something while trying to accomplish a specific task in a satisfactory way ( Gaughan,2010). Another old example of discovery with serendipity is gravity by Newton (Kamprath & Henike, 2019) . Newton discovered gravity when an apple hit his head. Hence, Newton deduced the connection between the apple and the moon's rotation to develop the theory of the gravitationa...
 Planning and Forecasting  Overview    Forecasting is nothing but predicting future outcomes based on what has been observed in the past or current reality. Predictions can range in multiple industries like healthcare, education, finance, etc. Unlike forecasting, prediction is estimating the value of an event based on unseen data. Both forecasting and prediction are regarding a future, even ranging from a long period( Garett, 2013). For this assignment, a narrative story of the Internet is used in this discussion.   A summary of an infamous story   The infamous story that is picked from the summary is the Internet. Though technological advancements brought the development and enhancement of the current Internet, the Internet’s first idea came into effect when Nikola Tesla toyed with a wireless system in the 1900s. Further enhancements and developments were made by critical thinkers Paul Otlet and Vannevar Bush, who conceived the storage system. ...
Scenario Planning    Forecasting is predicting the outcome of a future event that has not been analyzed yet. Forecasting can be done in any science or social experiment—for instance, forecasts in economics, weather, education, and economics, etc. The forecast can also be qualitative or quantitative, depending on the scenario. Surveys or interviews are used to make qualitative forecasts, whereas quantitative forecasts are used for statistical analysis. However, with the frequent changes in the market due to globalization changes, it is hard to predict the future based on past or current trends based on facts. The traditional technique failed to incorporate such changes that are coming due to frequent market changes.    When it comes to scenario planning, strategic planning helps the organization make a flexible future that addresses traditional forecasting issues.  Scenario planning is also called scenario thinking. KaufmanHall(2016) stated scenario planning ...
  Hayashi, E. S., & Baranauskas, M. C. (2013). Affectability in educational technologies: A socio-technical perspective for design.  Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16 (1), 57–68.   1.      A brief summary of the article   Hayashi and Baranauskas (2013) are three forms of learning. These forms are formal, informal, and non-formal learning. Formal education is when teaching is happening in schools. Informal learning is the opposite of formal learning that happens outside of a formal institution or school. Non-formal learning is the same as informal learning, but it has a formal learning quality. The paper focuses on how digital artifacts help students in non-formal studies. Using digital artifacts or technological advancements helps develop a better social system that better helps students understand the subject matter. The article starts with the definition of the social-technical plan of organizational development. ...